Scientists have discover that certain foods, Superfoods, are rich in essential fatty acids, antioxidants or fiber which are vital to building a healthy body and a strong immune system. These foods have also been proven to lower total cholesterol, lower blood pressure, help protect against heart disease and cancer, help regulate blood sugar levels and metabolism and burn body fat.

For recipes containing Superfoods refer to my previous blog posts for Zucchini Bread with walnuts and yogurt, Banana Walnut Bread and Carrot Walnut Cranberry Muffins. Below is the list of Superfoods and their benefits as recommended by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a board certified nutritionist:
1. Acai pulp, found in acai berries
The fatty acid content in açaí helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate the cell membrane; together they help make cell membranes more supple and efficient.
2. Allium - onions, garlic, chives, leeks, shallots and scallions
Specifically, garlic lowers total cholesterol and blood pressure, lessening the risk of heart disease. It reduces the risk of blood clots. It also destroys infection-causing viruses and bacteria.
3. Barley
Eating hulled barley on a regular basis lowers blood cholesterol levels, protects against cancer and is also a good source of niacin, the B vitamin that is cardio-protective.
4. Beans and lentils

5. Buckwheat
The protein characteristics of buckwheat make it a cholesterol-lowering food. In addition, it reduces and stabilizes blood sugar levels - a key factor in preventing diabetes and obesity.
6. Green foods - wheat grass, spirulina and barley grass
Green foods have beneficial effects on cholesterol, blood pressure, immune response and cancer prevention.
Chilies are high in antioxidant carotenes and flavonoids, and contain about twice the amount of vitamin C found in citrus fruits.
8. Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds dramatically decrease your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, and reduce the visible signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin.
9. Sprouts
Sprouts are a “living food” that continues to produce nutrients after being harvested. They are the most enzyme-rich food and they have a higher nutritional content than any other food.
10. Yogurt and kefir
Probiotic foods are primarily yogurt and kefir. They enhanced immune function, normalize immune responses, and may improve inflammatory conditions with an autoimmune component, such as asthma, eczema and Crohn's disease.
(Photo credits: Acai berries, chili peppers and walnuts;