By Susan B. Mead, guest blogger
Have you ever been there and done that? You’ve committed to so much, you can’t fit it all in? I can only imagine… So many of us are stretched so thin during the holiday season.
So how do we find calm when we are over committed?
Refocus on what matters and let the lower priority things go, with an apology, if needed. Here’s what I say. Try it yourself! “I’m so sorry, I simply can’t give it the proper attention it deserves right now. Please think of me next time.”
During this season, I must remember what’s the reason I celebrate. Is it Santa or Christ’s birth? When I remember Jesus IS the gift and the ultimate gift-giver, calm comes my way. To find calm in the chaos, I refocus, say the name of Jesus Christ, and let His peace permeate my heart and mind. Chaos or Christ – what will you – and I – choose?
Put your to do list aside for a few moments to simply be. If it’s too long, let it go. Why? Stuff gets dusty, broken, discarded or replaced, yet people matter. God’s word tells us to be still and know He is God. He’s a good, good God who loves us, each one of us, eternally.
So call a friend. Hug your spouse, if you have one, or your daughter, son, niece, nephew, mom, dad, favorite aunt or uncle, gramma or granddad. Or call your very best friend in the world. Reach out to someone who matters to you. Tell them you love them. And BE.
That’s how I find calm in the chaos of life. Let stuff go and love people. And I thank God for each one of them in my life. Try it! I’m praising Him for you right now. May your day be blessed, calm, lovely and a true gift from God. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukah to each of my Jewish friends.
If you celebrate a different religion, I respect that. Thanks for your respect and for letting me say Merry Christmas. Hugs, Susan
Susan B. Mead, author, survivor, and an individual who has dealt with multiple losses, is an empathetic, powerful, sought-after speaker with real answers. Susan is a Senior Ordained Chaplain, Certified by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, for individuals and groups suffering trauma. Susan’s best-selling book Dance with Jesus: From Grief to Grace, is available nationwide.