Today's post is written by contributing author Robin Anderson. She gives us important advice on how to deal with life when forces are out of our control.
“Do you really want to look back on your life, and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?" ~ Caroline Myss
OK, so life’s dealt you a blow. You feel as if you’ve been broadsided. This wasn’t in your master plan! Life was just humming along, and then…divorce, death of a spouse, cancer, loss of a job, and the list goes on. These weren’t the things you were dreaming of as you were venturing out into the world with your eyes on the prize.
I can relate.
My world turned upside down very unexpectedly. I became a widow, and while marooned in the grief, I ultimately discovered a new, stronger, more confident self. I made a conscious choice: I would survive this! What I discovered on my journey up from hell was that I had been ruled by the “shoulds” in my life, had forgotten my dreams and left behind the real, gutsy, daredevil me. I had happily and often unconsciously given away my personal power, and lost myself in the process.
After my life-changing event, I truly understood that life is short and unpredictable, and so I vowed to live life to the fullest in my time remaining. I literally reinvented myself and my relationship with life. How did I do this? I clarified my values and what is essential to me. I examined where I was giving away my power and joyfully reclaimed it! I discovered and nurtured my life’s purpose to help other women embrace their own power. And I began to proactively create the most wildly fulfilling life that I wanted to have. “Shoulds” be damned!
Did this happen overnight? Not a chance. I am a work in progress but I know where I’m heading and what I do and do not want in my life. I have clarity of purpose and greater self-awareness. And I’m ready for anything life chooses to throw at me.
My message to you: you can rediscover your power, too! It still lives inside you, even if it only remains a tiny glimmer. You need to make the choice to nurture that spark, against all challenges and roadblocks, and deeply listen to your most authentic inner voice. And then choose to live your most audacious and wildly fulfilling life!
Your Call to Action:
Where are you allowing outside forces to control your life? How does that affect your choices? What’s the first step you can take to live the life of your dreams?