Are you feeling BLUE in the New Year?

After spending a wonderful holiday over the Christmas and New Year week, I started to feel blue when I returned home. Some people find that it's difficult to function normally in their daily rhythm. As defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision  (DSM-IV-TR), holiday blues, holiday depression, or post-Christmas blues, these commonly used terms depict the mental distress occurring after the winter holidays and festival season.

Allow some let down after a busy, activity-filled holiday season

Here are some helpful tips that have worked for me. To alleviate the blues, focus on making healthy choices. The many indulgences over the holiday period can leave you feeling a little out of shape and worse for wear in the nutrition department. Aim to return to eating healthy food, drinking healthy drinks, and ensuring that you keep getting a good amount of exercise. Eating well and keeping up regular exercise will enhance your mood and help you return to good shape and fitness levels.

Focus on good health and life balance

Exercise is important because it promotes good health and life balance. While we are pursuing our passions and eating a healthy diet, we must find time in our weekly schedule for regular exercise at least three to five days a week. If you can’t think of how to exercise, then start by walking your neighborhood three times a week for thirty minutes at a time. 

Choose a sport: swimming or bocce ball

There are many facilities in your community that offer classes and a complete weight resistance gym. Call your local community center, WMCA or fitness club. Here you will find adult classes in yoga, Zumba, spinning, tai chi, and swimming. Seniors, over 50 years old, usually receive a discounted price so you can easily incorporate a few classes a week into your schedule for a nominal fee. Consider joining a local bowling or bocce ball team. Not only will you benefit from exercise but you’ll also make new friends.

Be the example for everyone around you

Keep exercising no matter the weather, lethargy and weight excuses. Exercise will boost your mood and gets you moving again. If you're living in a cold climate, there are plenty of winter exercising options such as walking, skiing, and gym workouts, and for those in a hot climate, swimming, hiking, and water sports are ideal mood lifters. If you’ve spent a good portion of your adult life as a couch potato, then it’s time to make a permanent lifestyle change by committing to getting yourself out of that old rut and get moving. By exercising regularly, you will become the example for your spouse, your children and everyone around you.